Physically speaking, hearing is the perception of sound waves in the form of pressure fluctuations of a medium, in the normal case air.

How well this works and how much we are dependent on in everyday life, is mostly unaware of us. But in every conversation, in any road traffic situation, we must be able to rely on our brain to assess the situation correctly.

There are several fascinating mechanisms:

  • Deep sound can be localized as sound waves hit the two ears at different times and the brain can calculate the direction from this difference.
  • For high frequencies, this does not work, but our head shades such sound waves, so that the sound arrives with a different intensity in both ears. From this, the direction can again be calculated with high accuracy.
  • But even with only one ear, we can determine to a certain extent the direction from which a sound comes. We owe this to our auricle, which, by its form, changes some sound wave depending on its orientation.

But when it comes to music, things are different. We do not want to know where she comes from, we want to enjoy her and be accompanied by her.

Thanks to the 360 ° technology of the NewTec loudspeakers, a pleasant and even background sound can be achieved.

The circular radiation of the sound waves causes them to be more difficult to locate and thus can not be assigned to any direction. This is confirmed by a scientific study by the University of Vienna. The generated sound atmosphere ensures a constant sound pressure level, ie a constant intensity in the entire room. High frequencies can also be less localised.

Thus, a well-being atmosphere can be generated by sound alone.

Marinus Kloos
Master Student in Biology, TU Munich