Discover the right sound in retail!

How you say something can change what you say; a friendly tone of voice sometimes helps. This also applies to background sounds in public spaces; the sound makes the music and determines whether you feel alone and observed, or whether you move through the space in a relaxed manner and feel like lingering longer as your sense of well-being increases.

It is psychoacoustic phenomena that determine how we feel. If you are at an open-air concert, it is clear that the music of your favourite band generates the best emotions from the front of the stage, but if you are moving through a public space, the direction is indeterminate and the location of the music source can have a negative distracting effect. Psychoacoustics is a branch of acoustics that attempts to find scientific explanations for our subjective reactions to sound events. It examines the processing of physical sound signals into the final auditory impression. Technically speaking, the well-known psychoacoustic Zwicker parameters such as loudness, sharpness, tonality, roughness and fluctuation strength are important parameters alongside tonality and impulse content, which open up a broad field for signature sounds or corporate sounds, for example.

A scientific study by the University of Vienna has demonstrated a significant technical feature of the effect of music. The result of the study was that music played from loudspeakers that are more difficult to localise, i.e. loudspeakers that produce a homogeneous sound carpet, has a significant positive influence on human behaviour.

For music in retail, this means that with the right loudspeaker technology, it is very easy to create a positive mood for visitors and, as the perception of time is influenced, this leads to customers lingering longer. As a side effect, disturbing noises may also be drowned out. It is therefore a question of well-being in the sales environment, but also of how the product range can be made palatable to the consumer with the right choice of music. Classical music, for example, makes goods appear more “valuable” to customers. The decisive factor is therefore not only the customer’s alleged music preference, but above all how well it fits in with the product range.

Loudspeakers from NewTec Design: Audio provide a unique, homogeneous sound experience in all listening positions thanks to their 360° sound distribution. Together with its music content partners, NewTec offers a captivating spatial sound for your business.

Since November 2020, Newtec has also been offering the new SMART Audio technology, which gives you flexibly scalable music systems of any size.

Would you like a personal LIVE demonstration? Then make a note of your free online consultation appointment today.