“With the new project from REWE To Go, NewTec and S12, it is all about delight for your senses! explains a REWE spokesman.


With innovative technology and a customized music concept, we created the perfect way to present the products of REWE To Go, both hot and cold dishes available for customers in a hurry.

      • Fresh products for small purchases
        REWE To Go offers currently quality delight to 10 central locations. Due to their success, more than 50 extra shops will open shortly. This innovative REWE To Go concept will also be adapted in 1,000 ARAL stations in Germany.
      • Innovative technology in flexible design: the sound experience of NewTec
        “The wireless CONO WiFi speakers can be integrated into existing electric binaries, enabling easy installation in both new and renovated construction,” praises REWE spokesman. Even during the opening hours of the shops!
      • Pleasing and modern track selection from the brand Music Research Agency S12 which goes beyond the mainstream songs used in the food trade industry.

More information in the article published in “Stores+Shops” in April 2016