Animation & music in your store and satisfied customers = Success!

NewTec has so far equipped three of our CB stores. The appealing design and the clear sound convinced us. We are very satisfied with the support, so NewTec will be the first choice for our further projects.. “

Carsten Walberg, Member of the Board of Christian Beutin GmbH & Co.KG in Lübeck

CONO alto

Small and fine, but large in effect, these are the attributes that distinguish the speakers of the CONO series. They have already successfully entered the hotel industry, shop and trade fair construction. The CONO alto is an equally functional and aesthetic solution for interiors with walls made of glass, wood, natural or colored exposed concrete. With its low installation depth of 45 mm, it blends in inconspicuous with building ceilings.

CONO canto

Recently, the lighting systems are increasingly used in “power rails”. The most elegant solution in such an environment to position a loudspeaker is itsintegration in these rails. The use of the CONO canto offers the following advantages:

– easy installation
– no visible cable connections
– Speakers are always in line with the light elements
– Speakers are not seen
– Compatible with all Nordic Aluminum and Eutrac light rails

CB Mode in Hannover-Altwarmbüchen

CB Mode in Lübeck- Dänischburg

Many thanks to the architects NETTE + HARTMANN for the great pictures!