Good sound troughout…

An even distribution of sound within a room allows the generation of a constant sound for all listening positions, with a low directivity is realized in all frequencies.The human ear is very sensitive to sound pressure level changes and sound fields produced by “hot spots” (focused areas with high sound pressure level) and “cold spots” (areas with low noise level). They disturb the user and are counter-productive with regard to the confidentiality requirements and the well-being in stores

NewTec active sound system

NewTec aktiv rundabstrahlendes System


NewTec 360° Speaker Technology

The following measurement by the IFAA (Institute of Acoustics and Audio Technology) illustrates the 360° sound dispersion of NewTec loudspeakers. All listening positions around the speakers have the same sound pressure level, thereby providing a uniform carpet of sound.

NewTec 360° Beschallung Lautsprecher

NewTec: Die innovative 360° Lautsprechertechnologie


Traditional sound systems: Due to the immense directional effect “Hot spots” and “Cold Spots” are created (soundshower)


NewTec 360° sound technology: The unique membrane technology distributes all sound information and frequencies homogeneous in a wide range


Longer customer stay in your shop = More sales!

In addition to high-quality music reproduction and design, our special 360 ° technology also promotes business sales.

A study conducted by the University of Vienna confirms the increase of impulse purchases by more than 20%. The NewTec loudspeaker technology creates a unique feel-good atmosphere and leads to a longer stay in your store.


  • Active acoustics generates communicative spaces.
  • Understandable acoustic enhances well-being.
  • Qualititve background music creates the desired atmosphere.
  • Omnidirectional Systems produce room-filling sound pleasant


See it for yourself!

We are happy to come to your shop!

If you are interested, please let us know at to arrange an appointment.