Easy operation for a great sound!

In order to enable you to make the best use of our products, we supply a remote control for the fine tuning of the loudspeakers in addition to your order. With this remote control, you can create the perfect sound atmosphere for your store in just a few seconds.

After installation, simply walk through the shop and set the volume of each speaker individually! Simply aim at the LED of the loudspeaker concerned and fine-adjust the volume. You can for instance set the volume of the changing rooms and cash desks a bit lower, the entrance louder. In turn, you create an individual sound atmosphere adapted to the architectural circumstances.

In addition, there are two keys on the remote which are not assigned. They can be used if necessary to control another device (TV receiver or similar). Simply “programm” the corresponding command of the remote control in 3 steps.

Of course, a user manual is provided and we are also available for any questions! Finally, further information can also be found on our website www.newtec-wifi.com.

WiFi Speaker Remote control NewTec